Maternal and Child Health

Department of Maternal and Child Health

Maternal and Child Health



The Obstetrics and Gynaecology - MCS Department was started in 1990 with assistance from the Indian Population Project (IPP). It has a cardiotochograph and foetal Doppler which has helped in the more efficient monitoring of women in labour. Specialised minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeries have been introduced for gynaecological patients on a regular basis. With the help of the Ultrasound Department, procedures such as ultrasound guided aspiration of ovarian cysts, removal of IUCD, etc., are also being done.

This is a baby-friendly initiative hospital, and all mothers are being counselled and encouraged to practice breast feeding which is very essential for the health of the baby. Regular post-partum check-ups are being conducted and family planning measures are provided in accordance with the Government of India guidelines. Facilities such as laproscopic sterilization, MTP facilities are available for patients who opt for it.

Infertility Clinic: Infertility Clinic was started during the year 2015-16. Dr. Sathya Balasubramanyam, an honorary consultant, heads the department and is a qualified infertility specialist. Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) is provided at a very low cost. We hope to establish a full-fledged fertility unit to help childless couples from all the strata of the society.


Department of Child Health (Unit- I)

Department of Child Health (Unit- II)

Infertility Clinic

  • Dr.Sathya Balasubramanyam, MD, DNB, MRCOG, FNB (Rep. Medicine) – Visit. ConsultantTime? Days?

Operation theatre with high end equipment exclusive for performing MCS and OBG cases within the same complex.

Specialised clinics, like PIH clinic and high risk pregnancy clinic

Basic assisted reproductive clinics with IUI procedures with counselling for infertile couples

Preparation of special Antenatal Cards to improve care during pregnancy was introduced in 2012. Special counselling for antenatal mothers and their husbands is being done during regular antenatal checks and nutritional diet, etc. on the penultimate Saturday of every month.

The OG department is recognised by the National Board of Examinations for training in the postgraduate degree of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for which the pass percentage is maintained at 100%.

We receive Grant-in-Aid for running the Family Welfare Centre from the Directorate of Family Welfare and are thankful to the Directorate for continuing to release the grant for meeting the recurring expenditure towards staff salaries, drugs, diet, and the tubectomised mothers.


We are sincerely looking to make things easier for you to reach us. For any information about our locations, doctors, or other services, please feel free to call or write to us.



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