Science of Delivery

Project - Development of Fact Sheets for Tools under Science of Delivery

Development of Fact Sheets for Tools under Science of Delivery


Under the Science of Delivery initiative, The World Bank engaged VHS to document a set of 13 proven tools widely applied by the HIV/AIDS program in India for overcoming service delivery bottlenecks

Science of Delivery is an evidence driven rigorous process that seeks to understand what works, under what conditions, why and how

Moves beyond understanding what projects deliver to demonstrating how projects are delivered

Provides access to an evidence based set of approaches, tools, methodologies and operational knowledge evolved during project implementation

Aims to strengthen the global response to HIV through knowledge transfer and adaptation of tools in local context


Document one page fact sheets for 13 tools used by the national HIV program in India supported with embedded links to reference materials, using a prescribed template

Develop an institutional repository of fact sheets and reference materials for tools widely used in the HIV program

Demonstrate a prototype for global replication

Encourage local adaptation of proven tools to overcome delivery bottlenecks


Reviewed set of tools successfully and widely applied by the HIV program in India

Short-listed 13 tools with a proven record of application under varying conditions

Conducted desk review of materials related to each tool

Collated relevant reference materials as supportive evidence of practice and to demonstrate application in local context

Undertook a rigorous process for compiling fact sheets through several iterations

Embedded links to reference materials within each fact sheet

(Internal task team and external reference group)

Brainstormed ideas, reviewed drafts and scrutinized materials with internal team

Finalized fact sheets through internal reviews and validation by external reference group


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