Link Worker Scheme: 2010 - 2014

Link Worker Scheme: 2010 - 2014

In Partnership with National AIDS Control Organization & Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society
Funding Support from The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria


VHS was selected by NACO as lead management agency for implementing Link Worker Scheme through MOU with TANSACS, supported by GFATM

Link Worker Scheme is a rural community based intervention that addresses HIV prevention, care and support needs of high risk groups and vulnerable populations living in high prevalence districts

Implemented in 21 high prevalence and vulnerable districts of Tamil Nadu aimed at halting the spread of HIV in rural areas, in close collaboration with TANSACS, and engaging 21 Non-Government Organizations as implementing partners at district level

On completion of project period, all 21 NGOs were transitioned to TANSACS through a systematic and transparent process for ensuring ownership and continuity of the program

On completion of project period, all 21 NGOs were transitioned to TANSACS through a systematic and transparent process for ensuring ownership and continuity of the program

LWS program built the capacity of rural communities in addressing STI/HIV/AIDS, engaged a highly motivated and trained village based work force comprising Supervisors, Link Workers and Volunteers and improved their understanding on STI / HIV / AIDS, gender and sexuality

High risk groups and vulnerable populations were sensitized to access HIV/AIDS related services and information and avail government social welfare schemes

Focus Areas

Creating awareness among targeted rural populations through correct and comprehensive information on STI/HIV/AIDS

Increasing availability, accessibility and use of condoms

Generating demand for screening and treatment of HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, TB

Increasing uptake of HIV and STI clinical services by establishing linkages with service facilities, strengthening the referral mechanism and making regular follow-ups

Engaging in advocacy for reducing stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV

Linking high risk and vulnerable populations with government social protection schemes

Key Results

Systematically scaled-up to cover 2,175 vulnerable villages across 21 high prevalence districts

Reached out to 24,000 people from high risk groups, 1.3 lakh bridge population, 1.2 lakh vulnerable population and 7,800 people living with HIV

Trained 840 Link Workers and more than 35,000 Volunteers

Established more than 3,000 Village Information Centers

Formed more than 2,100 Village Health Committees

Operationalized nearly 2,800 Red Ribbon Clubs


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