PROJECT DIVA - Diversity in Action

VHS - Multi Country South Asia - Project DIVA (2014 - 2018)

VHS - Multi Country South Asia - Project DIVA (2014 - 2018)

In Partnership with National AIDS Control Organization & State AIDS Control Societies.
Funding Support From Save the Children International / The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).


VHS under the Global Fund Round 9 programme implemented the project titled “DIVA” in India (except North East) with the support of Save the Children International, Nepal. The project under the guidance of National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and in partnership with respective State AIDS Control Societies (SACS) aims to reduce the impact of HIV on the Transgender / Hijra (TG-H) population.

The major activities of DIVA project include sensitisation, capacity building, advocacy programmes and operational research activities.


To reduce the impact of HIV on Transgender / Hijra populations in South Asia


Improve the delivery of HIV prevention, care and treatment services

Improve strategic knowledge about the impact of HIV on TG/Hijra population

Improve the policy environment on TG and HIV-related issues

Focus Areas

Capacity Building



Operational Research

Operational Area

Entire India (except North East)


MSA DIVA project provided technical support for effective implementation of the Transgender/Hijra Targeted Intervention (TG-TI) program in selected states under NACP IV, with guidance from NACO and in partnership with SACS

Advocated for the promotion and protection of rights of Transgender/Hijra persons

Designated as a partner institution by NACO for capacity building of 35 Transgender/Hijra persons led Community Based Organizations across India, in collaboration with the respective State AIDS Control Societies

Implemented activities in close collaboration with NACO, SACS, Technical Support Units and CBOs/CSOs

Engaged with Government Ministries and Departments, Parliamentarians, Panchayat Raj Institutions, Urban Municipal Civic Bodies, Legal Service Authorities (NALSA, SLSA & DLSA), Law Enforcement, Judiciary Members, academic institutions and health care sector


Sensitization programmes for Government and key stakeholders, law enforcement agencies and judicial members

Capacity building programmes for CBO/CSO TI staff for improved HIV service delivery

National / State / Local level advocacy programmes for policy changes benefitting Transgender / Hijra persons

Creating knowledge base and conducting operational research activities


Contributed to the decline of HIV prevalence from 8.82% (2010-11) to 7.5% (2014-15, Source: NACO)

On-going Technical Assistance to 39 TG-H community led organizations

Capacitated 1931 staff engaged in HIV service delivery programmes

Training manuals and guidelines developed to support the TG H service delivery programmes

Declared April 15 as TG-H day in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Puduchery, Odisha and West Bengal

Nurturing TG-H Welfare Boards in 7 states and established in Chandigarh and Rajasthan

Secured various welfare schemes for TG-H communities under banking, insurance, education and employment opportunities

Partnerships with Government & Private Sector for livelihood programmes

Commissioned the TG-H Stigma Index Study in India

Desk review and operational study to improve the HIV Service Delivery Programme among TG-H people

Conducted Legal Gender Recognition Study for TG-H people in India

Participated in the Sexual Violence Study among TG-H people in India commissioned by UNDP-APRC


Improved societal acceptance of Transgender

Created enabling legal and policy environment for Transgender

Increased focus by the media on positive stories about Transgender

Strengthened community systems and processes for improving the health and human rights issues of Transgender

Advocated for passing of Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill in Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament

Instrumental in the drafting of Transgender Policy, establishment of Transgender Welfare Board, declaration of Transgender Day and formulation of Transgender focused social welfare schemes by several State Governments.

Contributed to the decline in HIV prevalence among Transgenders from 8.82% (2010-11) to 3.14% (2016-17)

Agenda for 2019

On-going capacity building initiatives for TG-H CBOs and HIV programmes

Charting recommendations and strategies for NACO to be incorporated into the current HIV programmes for TG-H people

Continuous policy dialogue with community, Government and relevant stakeholders to establish welfare boards and secure equal opportunities for TG-H people

Identify more partnerships for income generation and livelihood opportunities for TG-H people

Document good practices, case studies, technical briefs and overall impact of the project


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