Chronic Disease Risk Factors Study (CDRF) was a two-year (2011-2013) multi-site community study, carried out in collaboration with three partner institutions:
1. Voluntary Health Services (VHS, Chennai)
2. International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (ICDDR-Bangladesh)
3. Sangath (Goa)
1. Estimate the prevalence of household and individual CDRF and their outcomes
2. Evaluate the adequacy of diagnosis and treatment of CDRF
3. Study the feasibility, acceptability and validation of diagnostic tools and electronic data capture
4. Establish teams and infrastructure for research and scale up with higher sample size and long-term follow-up
Focused on four Chronic Disease Risk Factors
1. Tobacco use
2. Alcohol consumption
3. Physical activity
4. Diet
1. Body Mass Index (BMI)
2. Blood pressure
3. Lung function
4. Visual acuity
Alcohol dependent men are more likely to experience depression leading to difficulties in family and social life, problems at work, legal troubles and lower quality of physical health |
Women who live with alcoholic husbands do not show any increased tendency for depression - this may be due to adaptive responses from wives to stabilize stressful situations and restore harmony in the household |
An increasing trend in suicidal attempt by women was observed in households where men abuse alcohol |
Work based active travel is an effective way to meet recommended physical activity levels in rural settings |
Increasing physical activity helps reduce obesity among men and women and protects against weight gain |
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