Knowledge Sharing Initiative

Knowledge Sharing Initiative


The World Bank engaged VHS to facilitate implementation of the pilot phase of Knowledge Sharing Initiative to strengthen the Targeted Intervention program

VHS partnered with the ‘South-to-South Knowledge Exchange Initiative Secretariat’ of National AIDS Control Organization and State AIDS Control Society / Technical Support Unit / State Training and Resource Centre in Delhi and Rajasthan to implement the planned activities

The goal was to facilitate high quality knowledge sharing through a scientific, structured and systematic application of program management tools and practices leading to lasting impact on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS

The initiative focused on utilizing the tools and techniques of the ‘Art of Knowledge Capturing and Sharing’, a five step, results driven knowledge exchange bridge model designed by The World Bank -
(1) Anchor;
(2) Define;
(3) Design and Develop;
(4) Implement;
(5) Measure & Report


VHS facilitated the selection of three TI projects in Delhi (supply state) as Knowledge Exchange Sites (KES) and three TI projects in Rajasthan (demand state) to learn from the KES. A rapid assessment was carried out to identify existing capacity, assess gaps and determine training needs.

To enable robust exchange of knowledge, practices, strategies and innovations, VHS facilitated an orientation, capacity building and Training of Trainers workshop for the staff of Delhi KES. Technical assistance was given to the three KES in Delhi for developing knowledge assets

Staff from the three selected TIs in Rajasthan, along with SACS/TSU/STRC officials, undertook a study tour to the KES in Delhi for observing activities, exchanging knowledge and learning good practices. The visit was followed by on-site mentoring and hand holding support to TI staff in Rajasthan to facilitate adaptation of learning’s in local context.


Facilitated systematic and structured knowledge sharing between two select states - Delhi (supply) and Rajasthan (demand)

Applied the tools and techniques of ‘Art of Knowledge Capturing and Sharing’

Used experiential knowledge assets for knowledge sharing and transfer

Established Knowledge Exchange Sites and facilitated peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, transfer and adoption

Recommended scale-up plan based on lessons learned during the pilot phase


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